King Shocks is a manufacturer and servicer of custom made adjustable and rebuildable automotive shock absorbers and performance racing products for UTV, OEM replacement and professional racing use. Our company prides itself on putting quality, performance and customer service above all else. Every shock we sell is the result of constant testing and development done with top racers in competition worldwide. This real world testing exposes our designs to a level of abuse and destructive forces that cannot be duplicated in a laboratory or on a computer spreadsheet. Our “hands on” experience enables us to make rapid design advancements others shock companies haven’t even dreamed up yet. All parts used in our shocks are machined in house at our Garden Grove, California facility from billet alloy materials on precision equipment to exacting standards and hand assembled by our technicians. In addition to the quality and innovative design features you will find on all King shocks, we provide you with the highest level of customer support. We offer complete tuning and rebuilding services. Our depth of knowledge when it comes to shock tuning and suspension set-up is second to none. We are available on a weekly basis at races, off-road events and tuning sessions helping you attain the most effective damping performance from your suspension. King Shocks also offers design, manufacturing and engineering services for custom one-off applications. If you can dream it, we can build it. When you choose to ride on Kings you can rest assured you will have the finest shocks obtainable.

King Shocks, shock absorber off road Amerika

Sejarah King Shock Lance King kesal melihat shock berjejer di roda mobil balap. Pada masa 80an tidak ada shock yang cukup kuat untuk dipakai oleh pembalap legendaris seperti Bill Stroppe, Parnelli Jones atau Walker Evans. Jalan keluarnya, mereka memasang beberapa shock sekaligus di tiap roda. Shock-shock itu diganti saat pit stop bersamaan dengan penggantian ban. […]

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efek suspensi pada jeep off road

Cara Memilih Lift Kit Untuk Jeep Anda

Bagaimana memilih lift kit yang tepat untuk Jeep anda ? Pertanyaan yang sering timbul di benak para off-roader. Hal yang wajar mengingat banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia. Pemilihan kit yang salah dapat berakibat karakter handling Jeep berubah dari seharusnya, atau dalam kasus ekstrim malah dapat membahayakan. Sebagai dealer resmi Teraflex, Untung 4×4 juga sering mendapatkan pertanyaan serupa.

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